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Like i mention earlier, being in the team to carry out the research to find the solution for the difficulties faced by the people of Kg Bolkiah has given me so much lesson. It makes me thankful for the life that i already have and it makes me realize that ada lagi orang yag hidupnya lebih sengsara and very sad to compare with the one that i have.
It's not just about money matters but it's about life.A life that they have to go through no matter how hard it is... and because of that they did something that they shouldn't do...and be someone that they shouldn't be. Is that their fault? When life are so hard and they have no choice? and not forgeting when they are influenced by those negativity. Is it because of the lacking of good knowledge in them?, lacking of ilmu di dada? or lacking of pengetahuan beragama? i don't have the answer... but actually for what ever happens to them, the good or the bad, it's from within them selves. The destiny is in their own two hands, and God fulfill it.
Like one of the house that i went, the owner is a father of 4 (if i'm not mistaken), and his wife is just a suri rumah tangga. The eldest daughter work in a shop, while one of the son is making kites to sell. The father is in tahanan, expected to be the first Bruneian to be executed.Honestly, it was so hard for me, even by knocking the door of the house...berat rasanya. and i don't know why.
When i enter the house, i can feel the sadness in the house. I didn't see any smiles in their faces. Except for the wife when we started to have a good conversation about her specialty in making kain tenunan...but too bad she doesn't have the 'rumah tenunan' if inda ada jua pendapatan...
I remember when i asked my friend 'Tep, macam mana ni? macam mana kan tanya pasal lakinya?' and atip says '...belapik saja'. At the end i don't even mention or asked about her husband. And i know atip and lela who was with me at that time inda tau what to do or what to asked either. It was just a short meeting, awkward and sensitive.I remember when i saw 2 guys, one of them carrying a TV with him. Rupanya, like what 'she' told us, the two guys are orang gila. Actually, they aren't gila, but because of that 'barang' yang menghayalkan atu, making their mind kurang betul. They should understand the definition of 'orang gila' sebenarnya. For me 'orang gila' is for example si Bush, the lady who killed a kitten with her heels (the one yg ada arah forwarded emails),orang yang makan harta yang bukan hak misalnya harta anak yatim, orang yang menganiaya sesama manusia... atu baru orang gila (to mention a few). But people like the two guys i mention above, are not orang gila, tapi let's just say that they are kurang daya pemikiran.
Another house that i went, the owner is a single mother...i can't remember berapa ramai anaknya, but for sure ramaiii... and semua masih bersekolah...and she's not working. So they all dependent to duit bantuan sahaja... But i found out that this single mother got a talent mengubah bunga dari manik-manik, so i asked her, whether dijualnya jua or membuat tempahan untuk mengubah bunga atu, but she said no, just untuk sendiri-sendiri saja. And i asked her again kenapa inda buat business sampingan? at least ada income or pocket money jua....and she replied 'Nada modal'... banar jua kan... membali manik atu bukan jua murah, and apa jua pendapatan dorang sekeluarga yang bergantung duit bantuan kebajikan saja...
Another housewife that i met, she got the skills to make a curtain, it's not just a simple curtain, but a realy nice and stylish curtain. And as usual i said to her 'buleh buat business ni menjait tabir' and she replied inda ia berani, takut salah jahit, karang kana sumpah oleh orang.... patut kah inda tu? or mind setnya patut tani ubah n gosok lagi?? Buleh jadi jua kan.. orang Brunei ani tah lagi kuat menyumpah...some ler...
The problem of most of the people that i came across,the people who have the talent and skills are 1. Nada modal, 2. lack of self confidence, 3. No proper place to run their skill work, i.e. some people pandai membaiki injin perau and some ada yag pandai membaiki refrigerator... macam-macam pemandai dorang ani, but ramai yang inda tau and no proper place kan membuat keraja, in other words they need a workshop!
Other than that, the people really need a proper kedai runcit...or maybe a mini supermarket! Ada kedai runcit pun barang-barangnya mahal! some of the penduduk, they requested a place untuk beriadah. Ada orang atunya 'kalau buleh tempat main ping pong!'
It was such an experience for me. Fun, tired, sun burn, and i spent less time with my family at home. Our research started at 8am (getting ready) and most of the day we have a short briefing at the office till 7pm. Balik rumah mandi and terus Zzzzz....KROH!...kadang-kadang inda lagi temakan (coz kanyang nasi katok dah!! =p)
But above all i'm so puas, i don't know but that's what i think...because the experience that really count.
I don't know if i could just stop here...there's so many things i wanna share, and i'm sure some of my team mates got such an amazing experience too...
So before i forgot, i would love to take this opportunity to thank all my team mates for their spirit of working together, for their understanding and for every moment that we shared. It was a wonderful moment. And sorry if ada terkasar language, and yang sudi menerima segala kusutan (heheee...andang pengusut kan?). And thank u also to those who take good care of me masa DAMAM and ayung!! Orang yang tukang bawakan beg, tukang bawakan paper bag, tukang pigang bila turun naik perau, yang tolong basahkan tuala untuk simpan arah kepala, the panadol... it's a sweet memory. And thank u for the air cap badak! (aye aye captain!!). And to Nic, still can't believe that there is a a way =p Ka Sufi thank u very much for giving this opportunity n experience to us =)
Can't wait to meet u guys again!! Lotsa Love...
On the 2nd May - 11th May, 2008, i'm joining a team of 10 people to carry out a research for Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah. The main objective of the research was to find out the solution on how to put the difficulties of the unfortunate people of Kg. Bolkiah to an end. Like i mention earlier the team consist of 10 people. Headed by Erwandy n assisted by my own dear best friend, Rozini yunos. and the rest are Nic, Zaqhiz, Laila, Kasyfil, Fuad, Atikah, Azimah n my self. And yeah, Ruzaini (wadut) but too bad he could only be with us on the first day, so Fuad replaced him (thanks for dropping by Wadut!! =)

We started our day by bekumpul at the office, then we proceed to the jeti around 9am and getting our selves ready to be transported by Jol the boatman to Kg Bolkiah.
That's what usually happen for the 10 whole days, and we had our break at lunch time at the YSHHB branch at the kampong.. (that reminds me of the nasi dalam plastic made by Ka Fauziah...yummy! =p)
Being in the research team banyak memberikan pengajaran to me. i even learn a lot by putting my self in the middle of the community of the orang-orang kampong. Bear in mind that it's a new kampong, like what one of the penduduk says 'kampong antarabangsa'. Ada yang asal dari Kg. Saba, Kg. Setia Pahlawan, Kg. Bendahara Lama and ada yang asal dari darat! It wasn't like the typical kampong ayer yang kitani kenali. I can see that from how they mingle with each other. I think it has less spirit of bekerjasama, less mesra n some area they don't even know siapa yang tinggal sebalah rumah dorang!
But that's only a few thing that we witnessed. Only the people in the team knows how it's like. But honestly, i miss being there...i miss kan mengatuk rumah orang and kan membawa orang becerita =p Some are friendly n some aren't.
I remember when i went to this house n there's an old lady living there... she seems so familiar but i don't know who. I keep on looking at her trying to figure out something... after a while when my friend who was with me at that time membawa daughter of that old lady bekurapak, mention that her mother used to be active, invited by a lot of people to play the bedundang/bemukun...and when she mention the name of her mother is 'Hajah Ajijah' then i remember her. She's the famous lady who used to be bedundang or bemukun in some wedding ceremonies n even on TV. Oh well, i didn't know that she lives there. She is such a living legend i guess... And when i said 'patut tah macam ku kenal kita ani', and her daughter said 'patut tah ko malar meliat mama ku, dari tadi diperatikannya kita ma eh!' Hahaaa...kedapatan meratikan orang! apalah!...
And i remember visiting this one house at Kg. Bolkiah A, own by an old lady too, She's about 80 years old, staying with her sister, who is in her 80's too. It's only both of them living there. They seem very friendly, n they never married before. So they have no children to take care of them, only anak buah yang kadang2 tidur di sana. So they live, pay the bills and membali barang makan fully dependent on duit bantuan saja... and it wasn't that much. And they told me, sometimes they have to beutang beras dari jiran sebalah! And not forgeting the bil karan. To tell u guys, i checked since last year, the bills never been open. why? because they cannot read! apa jua tau orang tua-tua beumur 80an, and the rest let me just keep it to my self.
The funny thing bout some of the people there, dorang ada kepandaian/kemahiran, ada tangan n kaki n most important thing is ada akal, untuk mencari nafkah.. but they get bantuan fakir miskin/zakat to support them. As far as i know, they shouldn't coz they stil have the kudrat untuk mencari makan.
More than that tedapat astro/prabola, handphone, and tedapat macam2 lagi dalam rumah bisdia atu... how come? i know its easy for me to talk... but think bout the rest. Who doesn't have the ability, who doesn't have the qualification or education to find a job. Like this one family, the ketua keluarga (the father) is sick, having a stroke for so many years... and ofcoz he cannot work. But when i asked one of his daughter, who have the qualification sampai form 3 ganya (yes..ganya) but she still can work. when i asked her 'kenapa nda keraja?' and she answered me 'Malas'. She knew that she shouldn't be... Keraja buleh cari di mana-mana sebenarnya, asal halal!!
Yea...i know.. i's not that easy for them. Membayar tambang lagi kan tiap hari turun naik... ujung-ujung bulan brapa jua gnya ada dalam tangan abis-abis membayar this and that. Yea, it's not so easy... but usaha tangga kejayaan...InsyaAllah.
[to be stay tune peepz!] o(^o^)o