At 9am yesterday, me and laila was sent to Kg. Bolkiah 'A' for the filming of the documentary about the research that we've carried out last May. It's kinda late, i know, and the date for the presentation have not been schedule yet too.
Rozini suppose to be joining us, but he have to attend his cousin's engagement ceremony. Ka Sufi didn't join us also because she's in her cuti...... U deserve it Ka Sufi. Tapi gerenti time-time cuti ani pun talipaunnya atu inda pandai sanyam... =p eh mcm mulah nini jua ku becakap atu ah ehehhh...
So we went there with Haris, the guy from YSHHB, along with the rest of the filming crew, there were five of them, including two indonesian cameraman.
The filming doesnt captured our voice (no script) so eksen-eksen saja menyoal, but it was a real question that we asked the penduduk kampung because we have to show how the research works in the documentary. The filming was o.k. No problem at all.
So tekeduhung turun ke kampung atu, we take the opportunity to visit Ka Fauziah at the YSHHB branch office. Oh..i really miss the office =p where it used to be the meeting point for the research team, to rest, to take a nap and to have our lunch (nasi katok!!). Sweet memories it is...
The filming crew
The modern type pantaran
Some greenery around the concrete

A personal jeti
A good bye note...
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