I was suppose to be working early today, around 10 or 11ish in the a.m. But as usual "akhir bangun" i woke up at 9am actually but itu ini lagi, tau tah betebiat...so i thot baik tah after lunch saja ke office. Then Que texting me saying she's sorry (kononnya) coz akhir ke office, akhir ia bangun jua...so i reply her text saying i'm still at home jua coz akhir bangun... Then at 12pm ada ia text & call lagi saying she got to go home coz her mother minta dangani jalan, and office (kononnya) nada org jaga... ka sufi bejalan kan bejumpa bos yang sorg atu H.H. then i told her, tutup saja pintu and kunci. But she said lagi ka sufi otw with H.H. coz he want to meet us kan briefing, telling me that Rozini is on his way sudah (kononnya), i'm a little panic, doesn't realise any bit of their Grand Agenda... so asking my dad minta antarkan....satu hal lagi, kereta bapa broke down...banyak2 kereta di rumah ani, keeta atu jua karihinya kan di usai, tho i already told him that ada briefing at the office. Kana suruh surung kereta lagi tu =p... at last mau tia. So bejalan tah ke office.
Sudah sampai i saw Laila, i was quite surprise to see her at first, but thot that nothing is wrong with her presence at the office atu jua. So no problemo at all. So i asked mana Atip? they said he's at the surau solat. H.H. pun solat di surau (kononnya). So ke toilet tah ku...after that i saw dorg ani panic semacam, c Que nervous, c laila ke bilik meeting, thot HH kan meeting di sana...tapi yang calinya gagas semacam...but still i didn't realise anything. Then Atip ada, saying...ready dah...oh ok i thot HH ada dah dalam bilik meeting menunggu. so ke sana tah (macam setaie) yang aku ani nda teclick apa-apa, bilik meeting gelap, nda belampong, nda jua realise apa!! apalah! then bila ka sufi mbuka pintu saying 'SURPRISE' pun ku masih bangang. What i have in mind masa atu, banar-banar kan meeting/briefing/discussing or watever, dalam atiku nyangku baik nda HH marah ni dorg beteriak ani...........then i saw the birthday cake with 26 candles on it... and i juz can't believe it, they planned a birthday surprise for me! They asked me to blow the candles so that they can took my picture blowing it... macam-macam tah ulah ku sampai langsung dorg nda sampat took the picture of me blowing the candles hahahaha...... rupa-rupanya they already there at 8am !!!!!! Ya Rabbi..... dorg ani tah.... meeting lah kononnya....sampai si atip otw kan sampai, lapas atu sampai tia...skajap jua dari tutong ke bandar ah......and rupanya Harris was there before tapi tpaksa awal balik coz kan mengambi anaknya and kan beraya lagi....kesian Harris heheheeee......
It's a blackforest cake, and they serve it with Pizza Hut's Super Supreme, along with Coke and Zappel (minuman memabukkan!! nya c Que)... Thank U a zillion guys... love u too...
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